![]() Your Comments HereComments for the multitudes: peruse our latest Rotund update or any past editions, and if you are so moved, use the comments form at the bottom of the page by hitting the pink “You Say.” If you are responding to one of our previous natterings, please be as specific as possible about what you’re referring to. “When you went on and on about the Cuenca Biennial in episode 28, we did not take kindly to your use of naughty words.” “What’s with the little demon in episode 29? Are you guys Satanists? You will surely go to Hell.” There is a mysterious and prolonged process involved before your comments appear here, if they ever do. No anonymous comments will be posted, or even read. If you want to remain anonymous to our readers, please indicate how you wish to sign your comments. Confidentiality guaranteed. Gracias. Teofilo Freytes says: Check this: Dr. Anónimo Performance “¿Eres de aquí o de afuera?” En la Trienal Poligráfica de San Juan del 2004, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico Here, at MSA-Xperimental Art. (11/21/07) Rotund World says: Also head down the MSA page to November 11 and see Freddie Mercado in blushing full- color video action. (11/21/07) Madame Lyn-Go-Tee Hurtado says: Cousin Freddie Mercado Hurtado really knows how to hit with his best shot. This =Destoians friends really know what they are doin' and Mr. Rotundo opinions are bound 2 B the greatest art comments in Puertorican funkadelic art histery...u know..!? Lyn LOOOOVE UUUUU MR. ROTUNDO! (11/21/07) Go home here. |